Uniform Guidelines

School Uniform

As we prepare for the new school year, we would like to remind you of our school uniform policy and provide some important updates. We will continue to purchase our school uniforms from Gap. All students from JK to Grade 8 are expected to be in full uniform starting from the first day of school.

Uniform Expectations:


As cleanliness is an essential part of Islam, we expect students to wearclean and ironed uniforms every day. In the past, we have noticed some studentsarriving in ripped or worn-out uniforms. To prevent this, we strongly recommend that youpurchase more than one set of the uniform for your child.

Uniform Details:


Navy blue joggers and gray polo.


Gr. JK-8 Navy blue joggers.

JK to Grade 3:

Are permitted to wear a short-sleeve white polo.

Grade 4:

Is required to wear long sleeves/hoodies and a white princess hijab.

Girls in grades 5-8:

Are expected to wear a navy-blue abaya available throughthe school.


Navy blue hoodies with the school emblem are allowed throughout theschool year. Hoodies may be purchased through the school secretary.


Dark running shoes are required for all students.

Uniform Condition:

It is important that students come to school in clean and well-maintained uniforms. If a student arrives in a dirty uniform or one with holes, we will kindly reach out to parents with a phone call to ensure that appropriate steps can be taken.

To make the purchasing process easier, please find the direct links to the requireduniform items below.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that all students adhere to the uniform policy. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.


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